Eek! It’s Sasquatch! It’s Big Foot! Nope, you are all wrong. It’s Vanessa Hudgens hairy taint bush!
The trend for Disney to find a young actress then manipulate her to rising fame, in which, it will all go to their heads. Next step will either be a naked pic leak, sex tape and/or rumors of whoredom. Lather, rinse then repeat.
It seems that every Disney actress out there rises to fame then travels a downward spiral to sluttiness.
As nude pics of Vanessa Hairy Bush Hudgens pollute search engines, a star is now born. Disney once again created a new slut for Hollywood (as if we don’t have enough of those)
She currently has a new CD labeled, Sneakernight. I haven’t heard it. Don’t want to hear it. My advice to Vanessa AKA Wookie: take a razor to your snatch, put on your sketchers, and run away. Oh, and don’t worry about your fudgepacker boyfriend, Zac Efron. I’m sure some random guy will fill his anus with the passion he so desires.