Everyone either loves or hates this infamous Ginger.
He was a tortured soul with a wretched past.
Read on and enjoy, bitches!
Ronald McDonald grew up to be a delightful scary ass baby! His own mother use to drink heavily for birthing such an ugly child.

After downing a bottle of Scotch, his mother would then breast feed poor Ronald McDonald with her inebriated gorged teets.
As Ronald grew up on alcohol concentrated breast milk, he began to have a craving for human flesh.
Despite that numerous foods his family try to feed him, Ronald would never consume it.
He was turning to be a weird toddler with cannabilistic behaviors.
He had an urge for something more than normal food.
As a young boy, he began to eat the flesh of innocent homeless men.
It curved his hunger. Their alcohol soaked human flesh reminded him a lot of his days of infancy.

As he grew older, transitioning into adolescence, his craving for human flesh subsided as his boyhood libido began to grow.
Ronald McDonald became quite the charmer with the ladies. He was a smooth talker with many future plans to get rich and powerful.
Few years later, he began a popular fast food franchise.
His revenues were rising, his business was growing, and his thirst for wealth began to heighten.
McDonald's soon became a well known fast food corporation.
He began to make millions.
People began to worship him.

He was an inspiration to many! Ronald was on the top of his career and the high point of his life.

He was an inspiration to many! Ronald was on the top of his career and the high point of his life.
But as all things go, what comes up must come down.
Ronald began to spiral into an endless abyss of unfortunate misery.
Soon, his business began to decline.
He started to market in different creative ways but it didn't work. His fast food franchise began to suffer.

Due to this, Ronald's mentality began to take a scary turn.
It first began when he would berate his fellow colleagues in front of customers.
He would abuse his customers.
Then he began to drink, take drugs and created cynical ideas to kill in his head.
Those thoughts swirled around like a McShake in his mind.
Soon he started to act on his thoughts.

After his murderous rampage, Ronald smoked meth for four days straight.
Whacked out of his mind, he was caught and taken into custody.
Ronald met many criminal friends while his stint in jail.
He also began to formulate new ideas that will get him wealthy again once he is released from jail.
Upon his release, Ronald decided to act on his new ideas.
He opened up a new fast food franchise that sold not just food; they sold drugs as well.
His clever scheme worked! He began to grow wealthy once again.
Ronald's new products began to sell quite well.
Obviously, his new products and services were frowned upon and Ronald McDonald soon found himself back in jail.
After jail, Ronald tried to clean up his act. He began to use his skills in a positive way.
He decided to take his act to Broadway.
There he starred in a popular show called "I'll Have Fries With That Shake"
He was beginning to travel downwards again.
After spending his fortunes on crack, he found himself homeless on the street.
To support his numerous drug habits, Ronald began to prostitute himself.

Due to years of drug abuse, his mind began to detoriate.

Due to years of drug abuse, his mind began to detoriate.
He was admitted to a local mental ward.
To this day, Ronald is a mental patient who remains strapped to his bed in a padded room.
Will he ever regain his popularity and wealth?
Only time will tell...
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