Welcome to The Cunt Says!
Have you ever seen someone on the street yelling at their kids or they are just such a hot mess that you think, "Damn! That bitch should not be a mom!"
Well, enough talk about your mom and how she wished you were a still born.

Did you hear that Octo-mom, Nadya Suleman, is finally going to get her own show. Who the fuck would watch that?! I see that cunt's face enough already. Her huge, fake lips is always appearing in magazines. Who in the right mind would give her a show.

I guess the bitch needs to make some type of dough if she doesn't want to rely on welfare. Nothing says, "Show me the money!" like having 8 kids then making those 8 kids work their asses off on TV.
Talking about bad parenting, this man had the brilliant idea that he can lug his kid in the back of his bicycle and a huge cardboard. Hey! At least the kid has a helmet, so technically, it is a safe ride!

How horribly cute! This bad (but cute) mom should be shunned from society. I shun you, momma duck! I shun you!
Don't you ever get tired and annoyed by kids. Don't you want to shove them in cages and forget about it! Well, don't fear, Baby Cage is here! Just shove the kids in the cage and in ten years, get a bigger cage. Enjoy the peace and quiet with Baby Cage.

This baby has been smoking cigarettes since he was a one month infant, smoking crack at two months, drinking 40's with Dad at 5 months, and smacking hos at 6 months. This baby is the future Hugh Hefner.
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