People were creepy back in the day, I mean, hello ,they did use turkey basters filled with vinegar as a douche. (The fact may not be a fact but a fabrication I conjured up to be funny. Despite my lies, people were creepy back in the day!!)
Well, I came across some weird vintage ads.
I decided I will share these ads weekly with my cunty readers.
Like look at this ad below. LOL
Now why is this little boy so afraid that his father is drinking coffee.
Its almost as if his dad makes his coffee Irish, if you know what I mean, and then goes on a fist-punching-son-in-the-face rampage.
Haha! The fact that he has a pillow on his ass is probably a result from all the incestrous anal raping.

I don't even know if a caption is even necessary for the below picture. LOL

I never seen a cow so happy to get slaughtered. Look! He even has a bib so he can eat himself as well. Its a higher breed of cannibalism. MMM.

So apparently back in the day, children not only snuggled with their favorite doll/stuffed animal but they also nestled with a handgun. They advertise how the gun is so safe that even a small girl can play with it. The bitch looks like she wants to kill. I wouldn't trust her! (I am referring to the doll...creepy!)

Here is another cannibal to the animal kingdom. I wonder what all the foreign shit says. I imagine something to the effect of: Try out meat. Our meat is so good that our own animals will kill themselves because we all strive for the freshest of meats!

Oh fuck! Really! Is it always illegal? I have been going on mass murdering sprees where I was killing anything with a fallopian tube for years and now you tell me it could be illegal! Fuck!

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