Haha! Welcome to this week's Vintage Ads.
Obviously, the first ad is a fake! LOL But it would be funny to know that it was an actual vintage ad. LOL Although, I do agree with growing and smoking your own. Hopefully, soon I will have those capabilities.
But now divert your eyes to actual vintage ads. The ad below is an actual brand of toothache remedies using cocaine. It's only 15 cents and is an instant cure. LOL Well, duh, of course, it would be an instant cure. You are putting coke on your gums LOL

Oh so because a doctor says its healthy than smoking is okay? So if a doctor says unprotected orgies fueled by intravenous drugs and shared needles would be healthy if he says it's okay? LOL

A totally sexist ad! OMG LOL

Why is there a guy with a golf club around that cats. Isn't this ad promoting cat food? The guy and the golf equipment seem so out of place LOL. Also, doesn't he look like he wants to hit them witht he club?
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