
Weird Vintage 10

Maybe alcohol and fighting in a war aren't the best combination!

Who wouldn't want a squirrel lamp. That's why once I capture Nutsy I will make him into a lamp!(click link if you want to learn more about Nutsy http://duckie2318.blogspot.com/2009/07/that-so-nutsy.html )

She didn't burn the beer but she is still going to get a beat down for burning dinner.

LOL! A really funny Public Service Announcement ad published in the 50's era. LMAO

An ad that promoted using Opium to inject yourself to treat ailments. Obviously, this was before they made a law prohibiting intravenous opium.

Haha! This poor kid. I would hate to have my picture with me sporting a diaper or as the ad calls them StayDry panties!!!

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